Jeremy’s Journal, 1 Take V53124: Searching for the Virtual Employee

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Hey everyone, it’s Jeremy Ochsner with another one-take edition of Jeremy’s Journal, recapping the week ending May 31st. Let’s dive into the highlights and lessons from this week.

A Celebratory Start

The week kicked off with a bang, following the fantastic wedding of our oldest daughter in Northern California. It was a joyous event and a great way to recharge over the long weekend. Having Monday off allowed for some much-needed rest and rejuvenation.

Focus on Virtual Employees

As we jumped back into the work week, our main-focus was scheduling appointments with virtual employee companies. We’ve identified this as the missing link to help us get out and prospect more effectively, while still handling the essential service work and quoting for our clients.

We interviewed four companies:

  1. The first company was a clear no-go. They were disorganized, didn’t ask the right questions, and lacked a cyber insurance policy—a major red flag.
  2. The remaining three companies were more promising, all having cyber insurance policies. We’ve now narrowed it down to two and will be working with them to find the best fit for our needs.

Weekly Business Activity

While we did bring in some premium this week, mainly through standard carriers (which simplifies things compared to excess and surplus lines), we didn’t manage to do any marketing drops. We’re not beating ourselves up over it but recognize the need to be out there, talking to prospects about the value we offer. The workload in the office has been substantial, with servicing clients, creating new quotes, and managing data intake.

Exciting Referral Opportunities

We had a great referral plan come together, with a two-way partnership where both parties send referrals to each other. Our ideal prospects align well, and we’re looking forward to the opportunities this partnership will bring. Expect to see some exciting content about this soon, particularly around workers’ compensation and cyber insurance.

New Initiatives

We launched a new #cybermoment this week, adding to our regular posts on #cybersecurity and #cyberinsurance on our #CyberMonday videos. The #CyberMoment will be a video under 1 minute, hopefully, providing some insight into the latest headlines.  Follow us on YouTube to checkout these videos.  It’s been a great week, full of progress and exciting prospects.

Looking Ahead

We’re eagerly anticipating the impact of bringing on a virtual employee, which will help us better manage our workload and stay true to the vision of Ochsner Insurance: bringing value, honoring people, and enabling them to make informed choices. As Josh Braun always says, “The prospect has the answers; the salesperson has the questions.”

Thanks for tuning in to this week’s Jeremy’s Journal. Here’s to your success!

Best regards, Jeremy Ochsner

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