Jeremy’s Journal: Wrap Up of the week ending 4/26/24

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Hey everyone, it’s Jeremy from Ochsner Insurance, back with another edition of Jeremy’s Journal, hot off the press for the week ending April 26th.

Marketing Drops and Interactions:

  • Made some marketing drops and had some fantastic interactions. Recorded a video discussing attractive nuisances, leveraging our experiences in prospecting to assist others. Had insightful conversations and learned a few things along the way.

Phone Call Productivity:

  • Made significant progress in our phone call efforts, with over 20 calls made. While we aim for 25 calls a day, our primary goal remains providing exceptional service to our clients, including submitting quotes and handling various insurance tasks.

Client Service Challenges:

  • Faced challenges managing service requests across personal and commercial lines. Juggling multiple tasks and stages of service requires adept plate-spinning skills, but we’re committed to delivering top-notch service despite the workload.

Encounter Weekend:

Agency Milestone:

  • Celebrated our agency’s third-year anniversary as a scratch independent agent. Reflecting on the journey so far, we’re excited about the opportunities ahead, including implementing programs like return-to-work initiatives and pre-injury management.

Gratitude and Looking Ahead:

  • Grateful for the continued support and referrals from clients, both in the commercial and personal lines sectors. Excited about the positive movement seen with carriers and the opportunities to bring value to clients through innovative insurance solutions.

Thanks for tuning in to this week’s edition of Jeremy’s Journal. Until next time, stay tuned for more updates!

Best regards, Jeremy Ochsner

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