Category Business Insurance

#WCWBLAST Demystifying Workers’ Compensation: Understanding Assigned Risk Pools and More

Hey there, Jeremy Ochsner here, back with your dose of WCW Blast, where we unravel the complexities of workers’ compensation every Work Comp Wednesday. Today, we’re tackling a slew of questions flooding our inbox: What are monopolistic states? How do…

#WCWBLAST Maximizing HR for Cost Savings in Workers’ Compensation: A Strategic Approach

Greetings, business enthusiasts! Jeremy Ochsner here, ready to dive into another episode of WCW Blast, where we unravel the mysteries of workers’ compensation and beyond. Last week, we delved into four savvy ways to trim down your workers’ compensation expenses.…

Service Contractors: 4 ways a hacker may try and hack your business #CyberMonday

Plumbers, Electrical Contractors- top 4 hacks

Hey there, it’s Jeremy Ochsner. Today, let’s talk about Cyber Monday, but not the one with the online shopping deals. We’re diving into the world of cyber security, specifically tailored for service contractors like plumbers, HVAC technicians, and electricians. Why…